If the thoughts I think happen in *$ (Starbucks...clever, eh?) and the only way I can sit here is through monetary exchange, which provides me with tea, then following this logic, the quantitative value of today's thoughts=X. Are today's thoughts valuable at X and to whom? To one person, these thoughts can be exchanged for whatever the person values to the same degree. I just traded $3.75 for a cup of hot tea, which is now lukewarm. I enjoyed the creamy froth at the surface of the cup and found myself calculating how much happiness that brought to me. After I finished the froth, I was left with a tall cup of Starbucks Chai Tea and as I look at the cup, all I am left with is the memory- a perception based on experience (some form of empiricism), which is no longer. That happiness lasted a very short period of time and I wonder what thoughts were released during those moments of happiness, which brought me to what I am thinking and subsequently writing about now. By suppressing the feelings and hindering the ideas, which would have been to follow, if I didn't have work to do, I will never know what X could have valued. If I were true to my inquiries, I would not be able to tell people my true thoughts without an equal exchange. Why, you ask? The foundation of the universe was created and sustained through balance and opposites. If it isn't ultimately true, rationalists do a darn convincing job proving the false truths. I really think that I should get some work done and put a dent in my reading. I am only getting one tea today, only one cup of caffeine to keep my mind awake so X=$3.75. If you are reading this, you are reading this for free, and I hope you realize the mentally manipulative effect I made on you for not paying me X.
Side note: This was written in my journal at Starbucks. I used watercolor pencils to color in the illustration I made on the bottom of the page and used the last drip of my chai to blend the color. The perfect blend.